Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upcoming 5K Event!

Hey everyone. If you haven't already heard, my local church (Asbury UMC, Fort Payne, AL) is helping me put together a 5K on Saturday, Oct 1st to raise some money and awareness about what God is doing in South Sudan. This is an exciting time in history for this new nation as they begin to look to the  future now that they have gained independence. Will you be a part of these efforts to help strengthen the church, bring physical healing, and expand the Kingdom of Christ for the glory of our Lord?

In my church, we've recently been studying what true worship is all about. And basically it comes down to this: what do we value most in our life that is worthy of our devotion? In what do we invest our time, resources, and money? You see, worship is not just about singing songs and giving thanks when we are inside a church building, but it is about offering our lives as a living sacrifice to the ONLY one who is worthy, the Lord God Almighty. Perhaps this 5K event can not only have an impact on communities in South Sudan, but it can be a tool and a reminder for each of us here in the States to truly live a life of worship to God. Let us evaluate where we invest our lives and reorder them so that God, his kingdom, and his purposes are always on the throne! For what could bring God more glory than to see all his creation turn back to him in praise and adoration. Let us truly live as children of the King.

If you would like to participate in the Hope 4 South Sudan 5K event, click here to register online. There will be live music with the band Silent No More, t-shirts for sale (included in registration for all racers), refreshments including authentic Sudanese snacks and tea, and lots of info on life in South Sudan, the work of the Mango Ministries Team, and how you can make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The race begins at 8:00am. There will be prizes for race winners (all donated - thanks for making this a community effort!) and flip flop fun sprints for all ages! (Don't worry, those will be in the grass).

If you would like to make a donation to these efforts to help me get overseas, you can do so here.

Pray that this event will be one to bring glory to our Father, for it is from him that we have received all that we are and have. I am praying for you as we work to serve the Lord and bring his Kingdom to earth.
