Monday, November 7, 2011

Run the Race

That's exactly what 34 friends of mine, old and new alike, did on October 1st. Though the route only contained one major obstacle, a hill 3/4 into the race, their journey was eye opening to the many obstacles faced in daily life for the people of South Sudan. Signs lined the path telling of facts such as this: Approximately 85% of adults in South Sudan cannot read or write; Less than half of children will go on to complete primary school (1st through 8th Grades); and 1 in 7 children will die by their 10th birthday.

These racers, however, were determined to reach the finish line. They pressed on to reach the goal, the prize that was before them, for this prize would not only affect their life but the lives of many more in South Sudan.
Our first place winner, Zack, crossing the finish line!

But there were a lot of efforts that went into making this event happen. Silent No More, a local band performed music that was not only uplifting and entertaining, but provided a message of hope and encouragement because of who God is.

Silent No More featuring Rev Johnny, Cliff, Kat, Andy, Chris, and Larry.

There were many volunteers, each excited to be a part of the work of God's kingdom.

Overall, this event raised more than $2,800!

I would like to thank everyone who volunteered, all of the racers, the band, and of course, our God and Father who gives us the strength to press on for his glory and the good of his creation. We would love to see this become an annual event! If you would like to be a part of this next year, let me know!

If you would like to host an event (whether a 5k, documentary/movie night, prayer meeting, cultural cuisine experience, or any ideas you have in mind) in your area to raise awareness and support, you can connect with me through my webpage:

I would love to share with your church, small group, or friends about life in South Sudan and what we all can do to have an impact there for the kingdom of Christ!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Upcoming 5K Event!

Hey everyone. If you haven't already heard, my local church (Asbury UMC, Fort Payne, AL) is helping me put together a 5K on Saturday, Oct 1st to raise some money and awareness about what God is doing in South Sudan. This is an exciting time in history for this new nation as they begin to look to the  future now that they have gained independence. Will you be a part of these efforts to help strengthen the church, bring physical healing, and expand the Kingdom of Christ for the glory of our Lord?

In my church, we've recently been studying what true worship is all about. And basically it comes down to this: what do we value most in our life that is worthy of our devotion? In what do we invest our time, resources, and money? You see, worship is not just about singing songs and giving thanks when we are inside a church building, but it is about offering our lives as a living sacrifice to the ONLY one who is worthy, the Lord God Almighty. Perhaps this 5K event can not only have an impact on communities in South Sudan, but it can be a tool and a reminder for each of us here in the States to truly live a life of worship to God. Let us evaluate where we invest our lives and reorder them so that God, his kingdom, and his purposes are always on the throne! For what could bring God more glory than to see all his creation turn back to him in praise and adoration. Let us truly live as children of the King.

If you would like to participate in the Hope 4 South Sudan 5K event, click here to register online. There will be live music with the band Silent No More, t-shirts for sale (included in registration for all racers), refreshments including authentic Sudanese snacks and tea, and lots of info on life in South Sudan, the work of the Mango Ministries Team, and how you can make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The race begins at 8:00am. There will be prizes for race winners (all donated - thanks for making this a community effort!) and flip flop fun sprints for all ages! (Don't worry, those will be in the grass).

If you would like to make a donation to these efforts to help me get overseas, you can do so here.

Pray that this event will be one to bring glory to our Father, for it is from him that we have received all that we are and have. I am praying for you as we work to serve the Lord and bring his Kingdom to earth.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Independence Day!

So, this past Monday we in America celebrated one of the most popular holidays in our country: Independence day. Many watched fireworks, shot fireworks, sang songs, cooked great food, and spent time with family and friends to celebrate an important part of our nation's history, when we gained freedom from those who ruled over us. This freedom, as we know, came with much struggle. Soldiers fought, civilians gave resources and supplies, and people came together to achieve something that would one day be looked upon as remarkable.

On July 9th, South Sudan will be granted their independence. This achievement has not been without its share of war and sacrifice. The people of South Sudan now have the chance to come together and make something remarkable with what that have striven for. July 9th is this Saturday! That's only 4 days away!! Let's pray that the birth of this new nation is peaceful and glorifying to our Lord. Spread the word, get others praying. Have an independence day party for South Sudan and stay updated with what is happening through the BBC website including their Special Report Page that is solely reporting on the birth of the new South Sudan, and the Sudan Tribune.
 The Flag of South Sudan

Write a comment about what you are doing to raise awareness and get people praying for those in South Sudan, the world's soon-to-be newest nation! This will not be an easy road for these people. Do not make them walk through this alone.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Step at a Time

The past month has been a busy one. But I seem to always find ways of being busy (just ask my college roommates). Among the business, my little sister graduated from high school and I'm so proud of her!

This past Sunday I was able to share at Sand Rock UMC. We had a great time. I've been able to visit there before so it was great to catch up with members of the congregation. Also, the pastor, Darrell Morgan, and his wife Julie, have been like a second set of parents to me growing up. I am good friends with their daughter, Sabrina, so I spent lots of time at their house when I was younger. I am so excited to have them in my support team!

I am making preparations now for an upcoming camp in North Carolina, where I will be sharing about Sudan. Check it out at 

Then in July I will be traveling to Mississippi to speak at Frost Bridge Holiness Camp. I am excited for the opportunities these experiences will bring.

If you are a part of a church, bible study group, or organization that would be interested in learning more about God's work in Sudan, please contact me at (or find me on Facebook).

Thank you for all the encouragement and support! I ask that you continue to be committed to praying for the nation of Sudan. The South is approaching independence, but it is not an easy road. There have been some clashes between rebel groups from within the South and the South's armed forces. There has also been conflict in the border region of Abyei. Read more about this on the BBC website.  These are no small challenges because the division and conflict in Sudan has deep roots. Pray for healing. Pray for Peace. Pray for God's Spirit to abound in the hearts of his children that they may follow courageously after his leading. Thank you for being a part of this team. 

Training team recently traveled from Nairobi. Kenya, to Tonj, South Sudan, 
to train Sudanese pastors in the art of Biblical storytelling

Look for my newsletter coming next month. If you don't receive a copy, but would like to, email me your address (or email address if you would like a digital copy) and I will add you to my list.

Thank you for what you do. I hope you know you are loved.


Don't forget to check out Joy Phillips blog [click here] for current updates from the field!