Thursday, February 17, 2011

For Such a Time As This

There's a lot going on in the world today. The revolt in Egypt leading to a change in government, the revolts in Tunisia, Jordon, and many other places in the world. Arsenal beat Barcelona this weekend in a 2-1 come back. South Sudan has voted for independance. (It will officially become a new country on July 9th). A lot of changes are taking place everywhere you look.

Even within my household changes are taking place. Members of my family are getting a new job, going back to school, or looking to start college for the first time.

With so much change, it is easy to wonder, "What am I suppose to be doing?" The world is going by and here I sit. It is in some of these moments that I am reminded just how backwards God's kingdom seems sometimes. Just like the idea of trusting God. It is difficult because it involves what we cannot see. But it is secure because we are trusting in the one who is faithfulness.

Perhaps God has brought Mango Ministries to South Sudan "for such a time as this." (Check out the book of Esther for the original quote to see how God worked in amazing ways through a Jewish girl in the Persian Empire). The stage is set for newness...for change. The people and leaders of South Sudan have the potential now to build up a nation upon a strong foundation. To bring about change and better the lives of its people. In some way, God has lead us, the Mango Ministries Team and all our partners, to be a part of this, however big or small.

In the mean time, Joy-our team coordinator-has been hard at work building relationship amongst our contacts in South Sudan. There are several people who are excited about truly bringing God's kingdom to this part of the earth. Joy is meeting with many of them soon to think together about ways Mango Ministries can be there for them in these exciting times.

Joy Phillips
Joy Phillips - Check out more about her travels and updates at

The road ahead is an exciting one, holding many amazing possibilities. God will give us his heart and his vision if we only ask. We are a part of the most amazing Kingdom to ever exists. And not only are we a part of it, we are it.

Grace and Peace to you.


This Sunday I am sharing at Mount Carmel Wesleyan Church in Adamsburg, AL. I would love it if you could join me there! I am excited to meet with this congregation of mission-minded believers.

Keep me in your prayers as I continue on this journey of building up a support team. We are made to be united by God's Holy Spirit, and it is by that power and unity that we grow more into the image of Christ to spread his Kingdom even farther.

I am at approximately 20% of my monthly support goal. If you are interested in partnering with me in this calling, please consider giving $30 a month (or any other amount) for the two years I will be in South Sudan. We are all called to be Christ's ambassadors. Peace and be blessed. You are in my prayers!
