Monday, November 7, 2011

Run the Race

That's exactly what 34 friends of mine, old and new alike, did on October 1st. Though the route only contained one major obstacle, a hill 3/4 into the race, their journey was eye opening to the many obstacles faced in daily life for the people of South Sudan. Signs lined the path telling of facts such as this: Approximately 85% of adults in South Sudan cannot read or write; Less than half of children will go on to complete primary school (1st through 8th Grades); and 1 in 7 children will die by their 10th birthday.

These racers, however, were determined to reach the finish line. They pressed on to reach the goal, the prize that was before them, for this prize would not only affect their life but the lives of many more in South Sudan.
Our first place winner, Zack, crossing the finish line!

But there were a lot of efforts that went into making this event happen. Silent No More, a local band performed music that was not only uplifting and entertaining, but provided a message of hope and encouragement because of who God is.

Silent No More featuring Rev Johnny, Cliff, Kat, Andy, Chris, and Larry.

There were many volunteers, each excited to be a part of the work of God's kingdom.

Overall, this event raised more than $2,800!

I would like to thank everyone who volunteered, all of the racers, the band, and of course, our God and Father who gives us the strength to press on for his glory and the good of his creation. We would love to see this become an annual event! If you would like to be a part of this next year, let me know!

If you would like to host an event (whether a 5k, documentary/movie night, prayer meeting, cultural cuisine experience, or any ideas you have in mind) in your area to raise awareness and support, you can connect with me through my webpage:

I would love to share with your church, small group, or friends about life in South Sudan and what we all can do to have an impact there for the kingdom of Christ!