Monday, November 1, 2010


So my sister has a pug. Her name is Bindi. She's cute and she can be well behaved. She also has her rebellious streaks, but I suppose we all do in some ways.

Last night I was working on some homework for an online class. The work was due by midnight, which was only a couple hours away. Bindi, upon hearing someone in another part of the house, gets up, whines, and scratches at the door to be let out. Normally, this is no big deal, except that this was about the fourth or fifth time she had come in or out in a period of about thirty minutes, while I'm diligently trying to finish this reading and response assignment.
My patience growing somewhat thin, I turn and say to her, "Grow some thumbs!" obviously this was a rather impossible demand. Especially on such short notice. I reluctantly got up and let her out of my room, knowing full well that she would be back soon wanting in again.

I began thinking, however, about the impossible nature of my command.

What is amazing is that sometimes we are like that little pug, always wanting or needing something we can't do for ourselves. Sometimes we are silly and come in and out of the same room many times in a row for no apparent reason other than we do have or know of nothing else to do.

It's amazing first of all, that God does not lose his patience with us, when we repeatedly do such pointless things. BUT, what's even more amazing is that even though we are so extremely unable to do anything for ourselves, God, in all his sovereignty and majesty, never, ever commands or even asks us to do anything that is impossible. He doesn't ask us to save ourselves. He doesn't ask us to save anyone else.

We are never commanded to do anything impossible because even with the challenging calls he gives us, HE is always with us, making a way possible.

I began to realize, that this is true of everything God asks of us. In all things, He is with us, making the impossible possible! He does desire the world to be changed, for all to know him. And that global transformation can actually come about through the faithful obedience of his children because we know it is not impossible!

Even though fundraising may be slow right now, I know that God makes a way even when we can't see it. And in that promise I am fully confident in God's call for me to travel to Sudan.

You want to know what is even more amazing?? When God calls his children of South Sudan to take rest and refuge in him, in the midst of such turmoil and chaos, it is not impossible! When He calls his Sudanese children to seek peace and to love one another, building each other up, no matter what tribe or ethnic group they are from, it is not impossible! When he calls them to show the world just what He can do, it is not impossible!

God does what no one else can dare to do!

By our obedience and His power, the impossible is made possible.

Please join with me and many others in Prayer for the people of South Sudan. Peace is Possible!

What's Happening in Sudan Now?